понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Romantic story

This story took place in the previous century. Just 2 people and their deep, sincere love.

Can you imagine that love can stay in hearts of people for ages? They could. Once they met each other, they understood, that it is a true love. So they decised not to touch or even kiss each other, to make their love stronger. They were keeping to this rule until the death.

So now we understand, that they missed an opportunity to enjoy their lives. In my opinion, what they've done was just a waste of time. By the way, I would agree with the statement that "Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage". In any case, think before getting married!

пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

The goals of your life

The goals of your life

What are the goals of my life? Honestly I have to think about that, cause I cannot just make up something.

It is said, that man during his life has to build a house, plant a tree and raise his son. I probably would agree with that expression. However, those are not the only goals that I have to do. In my opinion goals are different for everyone. For example people who live in Africa are totally different from us. That is why their goals will be different. In India that is not surprising when family has 17 children, however they were born not to grow in a good man, but to earn money for the family.

However, what are my goals? I think that for the nearest 5 years the main goal which I have to reach is
education. Then of course work, then family, then children and so on. But I will try to make my life more exiting.

вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

Arranged marriages

What could really be the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages?

In my opinion, arranged marriage is a good way to be stable in our modern world. However for aristocracy and other people of property that was an ideal way to ensure that their fortunes were not devided and their families accumulated wealth. For many of us it seems to be strange, but facts show us that arranged marriages are less likely to break up than mariages based on love. So if you want to live long, happy life with your partner, that is an opportunity!

Nevertheless I would not like to have an arranged marriage, because the only person whom I could trust in this delicate topic is me. I want to be responsible for my choice, so I could not blame anyone else.