воскресенье, 20 февраля 2011 г.

Why do I like or do not like traveling?

Oh, in my opinion traveling is one of the best things, that can be done on the Earth.
No one can tell where you should go, no one can tell you what should you do, it is always up to you.

I am used to traveling, I like it and I wish, I could travel throughout my life. By the time I was 16, I had already travelled a lot. So I could even form my own opinion about traveling. Traveling always involves new knowledges - about country, local people, culture, language and traditions. And I think, that all these things are very interesting and useful.

Although many people prefer just usual traveling, there are a lot of other forms of it. For example extreme traveling, adventure traveling or even architecture traveling. What will you choose, depends only on you.