среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.

Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future?

Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future?

Nowadays computers influence our lives in many different ways. The biggest problem is that children do not want to study, do not want to do sport, read books or even develop themselves.

First of all, now it becomes obvious that real knowledge of foreign languages may be replaced by the translators on the Net. However, in my opinion computers cannot translate text as well as it can be done by human brain. Despite the fact that we can use dictionaries on the Internet to translate anything in written form, we cannot use them to translate our speeches. There are too much different accents even in English. I think it is just impossible to take into consideration all aspects of each person’s speech.

Secondly, in my opinion people have to study to improve their brains. If we stop learning, we will become stupid and degradation of the human race will be speeded up! Even now we can see that knowledge of students in math are decreasing. I can suppose that it happens not only in math.

In conclusion I would like to admit that children do have to study a lot and especially languages!

воскресенье, 14 октября 2012 г.

Library report

Two days ago I carried out a survey among my schoolmates about their reading interests. 

I divided this survey into two parts: boys and girls. Now we can definetely see that reading interests depend on the gender of the reader.

Girls prefer to read romantic and historical novels. However, the most popular genre among boys is thriller and compared to girls reading of romantic novels is not hailed at all.  This statistics show that male and female are totally different, perhaps not only in reading interests. However, boys are keen on reading historical novels as well as girls. The same similarity between girls and boys we can observe in poetry. Both girls and boys prefer not to read it.

In conclusion I would like to recommend to buy mostly historical novels, because this genre suits everyone. In addition to that, it might be a good idea to buy thrillers for boys and romantic novels for girls.

среда, 3 октября 2012 г.

Ex. 9

It is said that a good teacher makes a world of difference. When Mrs Kennedy became our form-tutor two years ago, I had no idea just how true this saying was. It's funny how this absent-minded and sometimes rather bad-tempered History teacher has made such a positive impact on the lives of my classmates.

Just 2 years ago our class was called "the worst class in our school", but what can we see now? It is a huge difference. Pupils at least started to study and in addition to that, now they think about their future. What has happened to me? Now I have good relations with all our teachers, my behaviour improved drammaticaly and  I understood what do I want to reach in the future.

I think that Mrs Kennedy had a positive impact on us. In this case we just have to thank her!

понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Romantic story

This story took place in the previous century. Just 2 people and their deep, sincere love.

Can you imagine that love can stay in hearts of people for ages? They could. Once they met each other, they understood, that it is a true love. So they decised not to touch or even kiss each other, to make their love stronger. They were keeping to this rule until the death.

So now we understand, that they missed an opportunity to enjoy their lives. In my opinion, what they've done was just a waste of time. By the way, I would agree with the statement that "Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage". In any case, think before getting married!

пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

The goals of your life

The goals of your life

What are the goals of my life? Honestly I have to think about that, cause I cannot just make up something.

It is said, that man during his life has to build a house, plant a tree and raise his son. I probably would agree with that expression. However, those are not the only goals that I have to do. In my opinion goals are different for everyone. For example people who live in Africa are totally different from us. That is why their goals will be different. In India that is not surprising when family has 17 children, however they were born not to grow in a good man, but to earn money for the family.

However, what are my goals? I think that for the nearest 5 years the main goal which I have to reach is
education. Then of course work, then family, then children and so on. But I will try to make my life more exiting.

вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

Arranged marriages

What could really be the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages?

In my opinion, arranged marriage is a good way to be stable in our modern world. However for aristocracy and other people of property that was an ideal way to ensure that their fortunes were not devided and their families accumulated wealth. For many of us it seems to be strange, but facts show us that arranged marriages are less likely to break up than mariages based on love. So if you want to live long, happy life with your partner, that is an opportunity!

Nevertheless I would not like to have an arranged marriage, because the only person whom I could trust in this delicate topic is me. I want to be responsible for my choice, so I could not blame anyone else.

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Thieves caught in stolen clothes

A thief in South Africa was caught red-handed when he knocked on the door of a house asking for work – wearing the clothes that he had earlier stolen from the owners.

“When I opened the door I was surprised because he was wearing our clothing,” the owner, who did not want be named.

The man knocked on the front door of the house in South Africa’s Eastern Cape on Sunday to ask for gardening work, wearing the owner’s shoes, socks, belt, a pair of trousers and one of his fiancée’s blouses.

The resident then went to check his storeroom, which he saw had been looted.

“I could not believe the audacity of this guy,” he said.

The thief managed to get away but was later nabbed by security guards, the report said.

суббота, 21 апреля 2012 г.


Three months ago, I went to the opening of a new exhibition in the Museum of technology. So that we could really enjoy it, organizers made it in a very unusual way.

It was started by one of the main organizers, who told us about pros and cons of adoption of new technologies in our everyday life. However the main theme of the exhibition was solar system, so to reflect the theme well it was started in a huge, dark room. While the quite music played we admired the planets on the ceiling. Then,some guides, who were dressed just like robots, lead us to the next hall where we could see probes that were used for taking people into space and the first spaceships. There were so much information and exhibits that  we asked our guide to show and tell us about most important displays.  In addition to that our guides let us take a brake quite often so we did not get exhausted. There were even refreshments served by aliens, probably to make such a great atmosphere. To my mind the most exciting thing about the exhibition was a small, two-place spaceship for examination of the space.
In conclusion, I would say that the opening of this exhibition was one of the most fantastic events a have ever visited.

понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.

The Interner(communication and information)

   It is widely thought that The Internet is an admirable way of communication but some people believe that it may not be the best place to find information.
The Internet has intensively invaded our lives. It has just huge influence on us. Probably ,we are addicted to it. Can you imagine yourself without a computer and the Internet? Taking a step in your life that does not depend on it? Even if you want to go for a walk, you have to check the weather or find the timetable of the bus you need to catch and you do it using the net.
   In my opinion the Internet chat rooms in general do not serve a useful purpose. Of course people who live in different parts of the world can communicate with each other using the Net. However many of us are trying to replace normal way of communication like face to face with communication there. I think that the Internet and chat rooms which are in it, created an unreal world, where we feel ourselves comfortable and which is more interesting for many of us. And this separates people from each other even more.
   If we talk about information I thing that The Internet is the best way to get it nowadays. You can search for it in different sources and make up you own opinion. Compared to the TV, where you get what you get, that is just excellent.
   In conclusion I would like to say, that we can find both positive and negative sides in this case. All depends only on what we want to see more.

четверг, 29 марта 2012 г.

Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose

   Not only Internet chat rooms, but the Internet in general do not serve a useful purpose.

    The net has intensively invaded our lives. It has just huge influence on us. Probably ,we are addicted to it.
Can you imagine yourself without a computer and the Internet? Taking a step in your life that does not depend on it? Even if you want to go for a walk, you have to check the weather or find the timetable of the bus you need to catch  and you do it using the net. However not only students, but their teachers are obsessed with this “game”. That’s why, I think, this technologies are the field of our future, the field that could help students, teachers and even parents.
   By the way, the Internet and chatrooms which are in it created an unreal world, where we feel ourselves comfortable and which is more interesting for many of us. And this  separates people from each other even more.
   I definitely agree with the statement, that Internet chat rooms do not serve a useful purpose.

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

A book review

    Little Golden America is one of the most popular books ever published in the Soviet Union. It remains popular in Russia today. However Americans cannot figure out what makes it so popular. Yet almost every Russian seems to have read or to be familiar with “Little Golden America”.
    It describes the adventures of the two authors, Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov, who arrive in New York City on the passenger ship Normandie. After one month in New York, they buy a car and start traveling around the United States. They go to Chicago and San Francisco and then sweep back through the Southern States. When they arrive back in New York to return to Europe, they say that they traveled ten thousand miles.
   What I found even more intriguing by reading this book is that more than 70 years on this book still makes you nod your head in recognition when going through certain passages. And it makes you wonder why is it, that mankind keeps doing the same mistakes over and over again.
    All in all, I would definitely recommend this book, because it really makes feeling of participation in this adventure. I am certain, that if you read Little Golden America, you will be interested in reading more books which were written by Ilf and Petrov.